Mobile: Plan for Thursday 26/2 (week 09) - and preparation


Teachers plan for the day

Prepare yourself by before lecture

- viewing following toturial this playlist:

35, 36 , 37 (Intents)
65, 66 (Shared Preferences)
45, 46 (Simple ListView)

- reading briefly about

Tutorial - getting started:
Tutorial -
Tutorial - saving data:
Tutorial - simple ListView 

Ideas for small exercises:


·        A small help app on screen button for DadHelpMail, MomHelpSms – when press the button start the mail / sms with a preloaded text “Im well – please send more money” for your dad / mom.
Expand with a input field and an extra button MailGrand – when press the button start mail to dad with the content from input field and title “news from  your lovely grandchild”
You could also choose to have the amounts you which and put it into the mail / sms for your parent.

·        Expand the last app with a button for setting the mail / phone number – starting up another view (activity) for setting / changing the mail / phone number for your parent / grand. The data should be persistence and to be used in the when you mail / sms from your button in the main view. You might use SharedPreference og file system for the persistence.

·        Expand with a list of mail to choose for dad …..…….

·        A small app containing a list of food you like – when pressing on the food start at mail for yourself or mom/dad with the title “remember to buy” and the food you have chosen as content.



More links about android

I have found this quite brilliant toturials that provides many concrete examples of use of various facilities: 
Fx Tutorial - more about ListView: 


Slides and examples from the lecture is accessible here:
In this lecture produced: