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add(char). Method in class structure.CharSet
Adds character c to set if not already there.
add(Comparable). Method in interface structure.PriorityQueue
Add a value to the priority queue.
add(Comparable). Method in class structure.PriorityVector
Add a comparable value to the priority queue.
add(Comparable). Method in class structure.SkewHeap
Add a value to the priority queue.
add(Comparable). Method in class structure.VectorHeap
Add a value to the priority queue.
add(int). Method in class structure.BitSet
Adds a bit to the bitset, if not already there.
add(Object). Method in class structure.BinarySearchTree
Add a (possibly duplicate) value to binary search tree.
add(Object). Method in class structure.CircularList
Add an element to the head of the circular list.
add(Object). Method in interface structure.Collection
Add a value to the structure.
add(Object). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Add an element to the set.
add(Object). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Add a value to the head of the list.
add(Object). Method in interface structure.Graph
Add a vertex to the graph.
add(Object). Method in class structure.GraphList
Add a vertex to the graph.
add(Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Add a vertex to the graph.
add(Object). Method in interface structure.Linear
Add a value to the structure.
add(Object). Method in interface structure.List
Add an object to the head of the list.
add(Object). Method in class structure.OrderedList
Add a value to the ordered list, keeping values in order.
add(Object). Method in class structure.OrderedVector
Add a comparable value to an ordered vector.
add(Object). Method in interface structure.Queue
Add a value to the tail of the queue.
add(Object). Method in class structure.QueueArray
Add a value to the tail of the queue.
add(Object). Method in class structure.QueueList
Add a value to the tail of the queue.
add(Object). Method in class structure.QueueVector
Add a value to the tail of the queue.
add(Object). Method in class structure.SetList
Add an element to set, if not already present.
add(Object). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Add an object to the head of the list.
add(Object). Method in class structure.SplayTree
Add a value to the splay tree.
add(Object). Method in interface structure.Stack
Add an element from the top of the stack.
add(Object). Method in class structure.StackArray
Add a value to the top of the stack.
add(Object). Method in class structure.StackList
Add a value to the top of the stack.
add(Object). Method in class structure.StackVector
Add an element from the top of the stack.
addEdge(Object, Object, Object). Method in interface structure.Graph
Add an edge between two vertices within the graph.
addEdge(Object, Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphList
Add an edge between two vertices within the graph.
addEdge(Object, Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphListDirected
Add an edge between two vertices within the graph.
addEdge(Object, Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphListUndirected
Add an edge between two vertices within the graph.
addEdge(Object, Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Add an edge between two vertices within the graph.
addEdge(Object, Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrixDirected
Add an edge between two vertices within the graph.
addEdge(Object, Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrixUndirected
Add an edge between two vertices within the graph.
addElement(Object). Method in class structure.Vector
Add an element to the high end of the array, possibly expanding vector.
addToHead(Object). Method in class structure.CircularList
Add an element to the head of the list.
addToHead(Object). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Add a value to the head of the list.
addToHead(Object). Method in interface structure.List
Add a value to the head of the list.
addToHead(Object). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Add a value to the head of the list.
addToTail(Object). Method in class structure.CircularList
Add a value to the tail of the circular list.
addToTail(Object). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Add a value to the tail of the list.
addToTail(Object). Method in interface structure.List
Add a value to the tail of the list.
addToTail(Object). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Add a value to the tail of the list.
Association(Object). Constructor for class structure.Association
Constructs a pair from a key; value is null.
Association(Object, Object). Constructor for class structure.Association
Constructs a pair from a key and value.


BinarySearchTree(). Constructor for class structure.BinarySearchTree
Constructs a binary search tree with no data.
BinaryTree(). Constructor for class structure.BinaryTree
Construct an empty binary tree.
BinaryTreeNode(Object). Constructor for class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Constructs a tree node with no children.
BinaryTreeNode(Object, BinaryTreeNode, BinaryTreeNode). Constructor for class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Constructs a tree node with no children.
BitSet(). Constructor for class structure.BitSet
Constructs an empty bitset.
BitSet(int). Constructor for class structure.BitSet
Constructs an empty bitset with potential to hold values between 0..count-1.


capacity(). Method in class structure.Vector
Determine the capacity of the vector.
ChainedHashtable(). Constructor for class structure.ChainedHashtable
Constructs a reasonably large hashtable.
ChainedHashtable(int). Constructor for class structure.ChainedHashtable
Constructs a hashtable with capacity for at size elements before chaining is absolutely required.
CharSet(). Constructor for class structure.CharSet
Constructs an empty charset.
CircularList(). Constructor for class structure.CircularList
Construct an empty circular list.
clear(). Method in class structure.BinarySearchTree
Removes all data from the binary search tree.
clear(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Remove values from tree.
clear(). Method in class structure.BitSet
Remove all bits from the set.
clear(). Method in class structure.ChainedHashtable
Removes the values from the hashtable.
clear(). Method in class structure.CharSet
Removes the characters of the set.
clear(). Method in class structure.CircularList
Remove the elements of the list.
clear(). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Remove all the elements of the set.
clear(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Remove all values from list.
clear(). Method in interface structure.Graph
Remove all vertices (and thus, edges) of the graph.
clear(). Method in class structure.GraphList
Remove all vertices (and thus, edges) of the graph.
clear(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Remove all vertices (and thus, edges) of the graph.
clear(). Method in class structure.Hashtable
Remove all key-value pairs from hashtable.
clear(). Method in interface structure.List
Remove all elements of list.
clear(). Method in class structure.OrderedList
Remove all the elements from the ordered list.
clear(). Method in class structure.OrderedVector
Removes all the values from a an ordered vector.
clear(). Method in interface structure.PriorityQueue
Remove all the elements from the queue.
clear(). Method in class structure.PriorityVector
Remove all the values from the priority queue.
clear(). Method in class structure.QueueArray
Remove all the values from the queue.
clear(). Method in class structure.QueueList
Remove all the values from the queue.
clear(). Method in class structure.QueueVector
Remove all the values from the queue.
clear(). Method in class structure.SetList
Remove all the elements from the set.
clear(). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Remove all values from list.
clear(). Method in class structure.SkewHeap
Remove all the elements from the queue.
clear(). Method in class structure.StackArray
Remove all elements from the stack.
clear(). Method in class structure.StackList
Remove all elements from the stack.
clear(). Method in class structure.StackVector
Remove all elements from stack.
clear(). Method in interface structure.Store
Empty the store.
clear(). Method in class structure.Table
Remove all the elements of the table.
clear(). Method in class structure.Vector
Remove all the values of the vector.
clear(). Method in class structure.VectorHeap
Remove all the elements from the queue.
clear(int). Method in class structure.BitSet
Remove bits from set; set size to count.
Clock(). Constructor for class structure.Clock
Constructs a stopwatch for timing events to the milliseconds.
clone(). Method in class structure.BitSet
Returns a copy of the set.
clone(). Method in class structure.CharSet
Construct a duplicate of the character set.
clone(). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Return a duplicate of the set.
clone(). Method in class structure.SetList
Returns a shallow clone of this set.
clone(). Method in class structure.Vector
Construct a shallow copy of the vector.
ComparableAssociation(Comparable). Constructor for class structure.ComparableAssociation
Construct an association that can be ordered, from only a key.
ComparableAssociation(Comparable, Object). Constructor for class structure.ComparableAssociation
Construct a key-value association that can be ordered.
ComparableEdge(Edge). Constructor for class structure.ComparableEdge
Construct a (possibly directed) edge between two labeled vertices.
ComparableEdge(Object, Object, Object, boolean). Constructor for class structure.ComparableEdge
Construct a (possibly directed) edge between two labeled vertices.
ComparableSet(). Constructor for class structure.ComparableSet
Construct a set with no elements.
compareTo(Object). Method in class structure.ComparableAssociation
Determine the order of two comparable associations, based on key.
compareTo(Object). Method in class structure.ComparableEdge
Compare edge, based on labels.
condition(boolean, String). Static method in class structure.Assert
Test a general condition.
contains(char). Method in class structure.CharSet
Detects whether c is a member of this set.
contains(int). Method in class structure.BitSet
Determine if a bit is a member of the set.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.BinarySearchTree
Determines if the binary search tree contains a value.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.ChainedHashtable
Returns true if a specific value appears within the table.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.CircularList
Check if a list contains an element.
contains(Object). Method in interface structure.Collection
Determine if the structure contains a value.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Determine if a set contains a value.
contains(Object). Method in interface structure.Dictionary
Returns true if the value is associated with some key in the dictionary.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Check to see if a value is within the list.
contains(Object). Method in interface structure.Graph
Test for vertex membership.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.GraphList
Test for vertex membership.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Test for vertex membership.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.Hashtable
Returns true if a specific value appears within the table.
contains(Object). Method in interface structure.List
Check to see if a value is in the list.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.OrderedList
Determine if the ordered list contains a value.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.OrderedVector
Determine if a comparable value is a member of the ordered vector.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.SetList
Returns true if value is an element of the set.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Check to see if a value is in the list.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.SplayTree
Determine if a particular comparable value is within the search tree.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.Table
Returns true if the value is associated with some key in the table.
contains(Object). Method in class structure.Vector
Determine if a value appears in a vector.
containsEdge(Object, Object). Method in interface structure.Graph
Test for edge membership.
containsEdge(Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphList
Test for edge membership.
containsEdge(Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Test for edge membership.
containsKey(Object). Method in class structure.ChainedHashtable
Returns true iff a specific key appears within the table.
containsKey(Object). Method in interface structure.Dictionary
Determine if the key is in the dictionary.
containsKey(Object). Method in class structure.Hashtable
Returns true iff a specific key appears within the table.
containsKey(Object). Method in class structure.Table
Determine if the key is in the table.
copyInto(Object[]). Method in class structure.Vector
Copy the contents of the vector into an array.


degree(Object). Method in interface structure.Graph
Determine out degree of vertex.
degree(Object). Method in class structure.GraphList
Determine out degree of vertex.
degree(Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Determine out degree of vertex.
depth(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Returns depth of node in tree.
depth(BinaryTreeNode). Static method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Compute the depth of a node.
dequeue(). Method in interface structure.Queue
Remove a value from the head of the queue.
dequeue(). Method in class structure.QueueArray
Remove a value from the head of the queue.
dequeue(). Method in class structure.QueueList
Remove a value from the head of the queue.
dequeue(). Method in class structure.QueueVector
Remove a value from the head of the queue.
difference(BitSet). Method in class structure.BitSet
Computes the difference between this set and the other.
difference(CharSet). Method in class structure.CharSet
Computes the difference between this and other charset.
difference(Set). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Compute the difference between this set and other.
difference(Set). Method in interface structure.Set
Compute the difference between two sets.
difference(Set). Method in class structure.SetList
Compute the difference between two sets.
DoublyLinkedList(). Constructor for class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Constructs an empty list.
DoublyLinkedListElement(Object). Constructor for class structure.DoublyLinkedListElement
Construct a doubly linked list element containing a value.
DoublyLinkedListElement(Object, DoublyLinkedListElement, DoublyLinkedListElement). Constructor for class structure.DoublyLinkedListElement
Construct a doubly linked list element.


Edge(Object, Object, Object, boolean). Constructor for class structure.Edge
Construct a (possibly directed) edge between two labeled vertices.
edgeCount(). Method in interface structure.Graph
Determine the number of edges in graph.
edgeCount(). Method in class structure.GraphList
Determine the number of edges in graph.
edgeCount(). Method in class structure.GraphListDirected
Determine the number of edges in graph.
edgeCount(). Method in class structure.GraphListUndirected
Determine the number of edges in graph.
edgeCount(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Determine the number of edges in graph.
edgeCount(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrixDirected
Determine the number of edges in graph.
edgeCount(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrixUndirected
Determine the number of edges in graph.
edges(). Method in interface structure.Graph
Construct an iterator over all edges.
edges(). Method in class structure.GraphList
Construct an iterator over all edges.
edges(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Construct an iterator over all edges.
edges(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrixDirected
Construct an iterator over all edges.
edges(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrixUndirected
Construct an iterator over all edges.
elementAt(int). Method in class structure.Vector
Fetch the element at a particular index.
elementAt(int, int). Method in class structure.Matrix
Fetch an element from the matrix.
elements(). Method in class structure.BinarySearchTree
Returns an iterator over the binary search tree.
elements(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Returns an iterator that traverses tree in-order.
elements(). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Generate an inorder traversal of subtree.
elements(). Method in class structure.ChainedHashtable
Returns an iterator that traverses over the values of the hashtable.
elements(). Method in class structure.CircularList
Construct an iterator over the elements of the list.
elements(). Method in interface structure.Collection
Construct an iterator over the elements of the structure.
elements(). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Construct an iterator to traverse the elements of the set.
elements(). Method in interface structure.Dictionary
Construct an iterator over the values of the dictionary.
elements(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Construct an iterator to traverse the list.
elements(). Method in interface structure.Graph
Construct vertex iterator.
elements(). Method in class structure.GraphList
Construct vertex iterator.
elements(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Construct vertex iterator.
elements(). Method in class structure.Hashtable
Returns an iterator that traverses over the values of the hashtable.
elements(). Method in interface structure.List
Construct an iterator to traverse elements of the list from head to tail, in order.
elements(). Method in class structure.OrderedList
Construct an iterator for traversing elements of ordered list in ascending order.
elements(). Method in class structure.OrderedVector
Construct an iterator to traverse the ordered vector in ascending order.
elements(). Method in class structure.SetList
Construct an iterator to traverse the elements of the set.
elements(). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Returns an iterator traversing list from head to tail.
elements(). Method in class structure.SplayTree
Construct an inorder traversal of the elements in the splay tree.
elements(). Method in class structure.Table
Construct an iterator over the values of the table.
elements(). Method in class structure.Vector
Construct an iterator over the elements of the vector.
empty(). Method in interface structure.Stack
Returns true iff the stack is empty.
empty(). Method in class structure.StackArray
Determine if the stack is empty.
empty(). Method in class structure.StackList
Determine if the stack is empty.
empty(). Method in class structure.StackVector
Returns true iff the stack is empty.
enqueue(Object). Method in interface structure.Queue
Add a value to the tail of the queue.
enqueue(Object). Method in class structure.QueueArray
Add a value to the tail of the queue.
enqueue(Object). Method in class structure.QueueList
Add a value to the tail of the queue.
enqueue(Object). Method in class structure.QueueVector
Add a value to the tail of the queue.
ensureCapacity(int). Method in class structure.Vector
Ensure that the vector is capable of holding at least minCapacity values without expansion.
eof(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Determine if we've seen end-of-file.
eoln(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Return true if the next character to be read is an end-of-line mark.
equals(Object). Method in class structure.Association
Standard comparison function.
equals(Object). Method in class structure.BitSet
Return true iff this set and o contain the same elements.
equals(Object). Method in class structure.CharSet
Detect if two sets are equal.
equals(Object). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedListElement
Determine if this element equal to another.
equals(Object). Method in class structure.Edge
Test for equality of edges.


fail(String). Static method in class structure.Assert
Indicate certain failure.
find(int). Method in class structure.UnionFind
Find the number of the set containing the desired element.
firstElement(). Method in class structure.Vector
Get access to the first element of the vector.


get(Object). Method in class structure.BinarySearchTree
Returns reference to value found within three.
get(Object). Method in class structure.ChainedHashtable
Get the value associated with a key.
get(Object). Method in interface structure.Dictionary
Retrieve the value associated with the key provided.
get(Object). Method in interface structure.Graph
Get reference to actual label of vertex.
get(Object). Method in class structure.GraphList
Get reference to actual label of vertex.
get(Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Get reference to actual label of vertex.
get(Object). Method in class structure.Hashtable
Get the value associated with a key.
get(Object). Method in class structure.SplayTree
Fetch a reference to the comparable value in the tree.
get(Object). Method in class structure.Table
Retrieve the value associated with the key provided.
getEdge(Object, Object). Method in interface structure.Graph
Get reference to actual edge.
getEdge(Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphList
Get reference to actual edge.
getEdge(Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Get reference to actual edge.
GraphListDirected(). Constructor for class structure.GraphListDirected
Construct a directed, adjacency-list based graph.
GraphListUndirected(). Constructor for class structure.GraphListUndirected
Construct an undirected, adjacency-list based graph.
GraphMatrixDirected(int). Constructor for class structure.GraphMatrixDirected
Construct a directed, adjacency-matrix based graph.
GraphMatrixUndirected(int). Constructor for class structure.GraphMatrixUndirected
Construct an undirected, adjacency-matrix based graph.


hashCode(). Method in class structure.Association
Standard hashcode function.
hashCode(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedListElement
Generate hash code associated with the element.
hashCode(). Method in class structure.Edge
Returns hashcode associated with edge.
Hashtable(). Constructor for class structure.Hashtable
Construct a hash table that is initially empty.
Hashtable(int). Constructor for class structure.Hashtable
Construct a hash table that is capable of holding at least initialCapacity values.
hasLeft(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Check for left child.
hasMoreElements(). Method in interface structure.Iterator
Determine if the iteration is finished.
hasParent(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Checks for parent.
hasRight(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Check for right child.
height(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Returns height of node in tree.
height(). Method in class structure.Matrix
Return the height of the matrix.
height(BinaryTreeNode). Static method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Returns height of node in tree.
here(). Method in class structure.Edge
Returns the first vertex (or source if directed).


indexOf(Object). Method in class structure.Vector
Assuming the data is not in order, find the index of a value, or return -1 if not found.
indexOf(Object, int). Method in class structure.Vector
Assuming the data is not in order, find the index of a value or return -1 if the value is not found.
inorderElements(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Returns an iterator that traverses tree in-order.
inorderElements(). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Return an iterator to traverse the elements of subtree in-order.
insert(Object). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Add a value to the tree.
insertColAt(int). Method in class structure.Matrix
Add a new column, whose index will be c.
insertElementAt(Object, int). Method in class structure.Vector
Insert an element at a particular location.
insertRowAt(int). Method in class structure.Matrix
Add a new row, whose index will be r.
intersection(BitSet). Method in class structure.BitSet
Return the intersection of this set and the other.
intersection(CharSet). Method in class structure.CharSet
Computes the intersection of this charset and other.
intersection(Set). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Compute the intersection of this set and other.
intersection(Set). Method in interface structure.Set
Compute the intersection of this set and other.
intersection(Set). Method in class structure.SetList
Compute the intersection of this set and other.
isBalanced(BinaryTreeNode). Static method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Return true iff the tree is height balanced.
isComplete(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Detect a complete tree rooted at cursor.
isComplete(BinaryTreeNode). Static method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Return whether tree is complete.
isDirected(). Method in class structure.Edge
Check to see if edge is directed.
isDirected(). Method in interface structure.Graph
Determine if graph is directed.
isDirected(). Method in class structure.GraphList
Determine if graph is directed.
isDirected(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Determine if graph is directed.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.BinarySearchTree
Checks for an empty binary search tree.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Returns true iff tree has no data.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.BitSet
Determine if a set is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.ChainedHashtable
Returns true if no elements are stored within the table.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.CharSet
Detect an empty charset.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.CircularList
Determine if a list is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Identify if the set is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Determine if the list is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in interface structure.Graph
Determine if graph is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.GraphList
Determine if graph is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Determine if graph is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.Hashtable
Determine if table is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in interface structure.List
Determine if list is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.OrderedList
Determine if the list is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.OrderedVector
Determine if the ordered vector is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in interface structure.PriorityQueue
Determine if the queue is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.PriorityVector
Determine if the priority queue is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.QueueArray
Determine if the queue is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.QueueList
Determine if the queue is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.QueueVector
Determine if the queue is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.SetList
Determine if the set is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Determine if list is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.SkewHeap
Determine if the queue is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.StackArray
Determine if the stack is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.StackList
Determine if the stack is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.StackVector
Returns tree iff the stack is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in interface structure.Store
Determine if store is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.Table
Determine if the table is empty.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.Vector
Determine if the Vector contains no values.
isEmpty(). Method in class structure.VectorHeap
Determine if the queue is empty.
isFull(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Detects a full tree rooted at cursor.
isFull(). Method in class structure.QueueArray
Determines if the queue is not able to accept any new values.
isFull(). Method in class structure.StackArray
Determine if the stack is full.
isFull(BinaryTreeNode). Static method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Returns true if tree is full.
isLeftChild(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Checks if cursor is a left child.
isLeftChild(). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Determine if this node is a left child.
isRightChild(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Checks if cursor is a right child.
isRightChild(). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Determine if this node is a right child.
isVisited(). Method in class structure.Edge
Check to see if edge has been visited.
isVisited(Object). Method in interface structure.Graph
Return visited flag of vertex.
isVisited(Object). Method in class structure.GraphList
Return visited flag of vertex.
isVisited(Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Return visited flag of vertex.
isVisitedEdge(Edge). Method in interface structure.Graph
Return visited flag of edge.
isVisitedEdge(Edge). Method in class structure.GraphList
Return visited flag of edge.
isVisitedEdge(Edge). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Return visited flag of edge.



key(). Method in class structure.Association
Fetch key from association.
keys(). Method in class structure.ChainedHashtable
Get an iterator over the keys of the hashtable.
keys(). Method in interface structure.Dictionary
Construct an iterator over the keys of the dictionary.
keys(). Method in class structure.Hashtable
Get an iterator over the keys of the hashtable.
keys(). Method in class structure.Table
Construct an iterator over the keys of the table.


label(). Method in class structure.Edge
Get label associated with edge.
lastElement(). Method in class structure.Vector
Fetch a reference to the last value in the vector.
lastIndexOf(Object). Method in class structure.Vector
Search for the last occurrence of a value within the vector.
lastIndexOf(Object, int). Method in class structure.Vector
Find the index of the last occurrence of the value in the vector before the indexth position.
left(). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Get left subtree of current node.
levelorderElements(). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Method to return a level-order iterator of subtree.


Matrix(). Constructor for class structure.Matrix
Construct an empty matrix.
Matrix(int, int). Constructor for class structure.Matrix
Constructs a matrix such that all values are null.
moveLeft(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Move cursor to left.
moveRight(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Move cursor to right.
moveUp(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Moves up the tree.


neighbors(Object). Method in interface structure.Graph
Construct an adjacent vertex iterator.
neighbors(Object). Method in class structure.GraphList
Construct an adjacent vertex iterator.
neighbors(Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Construct an adjacent vertex iterator.
next(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedListElement
Access the reference to the next value.
next(). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedListElement
returns reference to next value in list
nextElement(). Method in interface structure.Iterator
Return current value and increment Iterator.


OrderedList(). Constructor for class structure.OrderedList
Construct an empty ordered list.
OrderedVector(). Constructor for class structure.OrderedVector
Construct an empty ordered vector.


parent(). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Get reference to parent of this node.
peek(). Method in class structure.CircularList
Determine if a list is empty.
peek(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Get a copy of the first value found in the list.
peek(). Method in interface structure.Linear
Preview the object to be removed.
peek(). Method in interface structure.List
Fetch the first element of the list.
peek(). Method in interface structure.PriorityQueue
Fetch lowest valued (highest priority) item from queue.
peek(). Method in class structure.PriorityVector
Fetch the smallest value of the priority queue.
peek(). Method in interface structure.Queue
Fetch the value at the head of the queue.
peek(). Method in class structure.QueueArray
Fetch the value at the head of the queue.
peek(). Method in class structure.QueueList
Fetch the value at the head of the queue.
peek(). Method in class structure.QueueVector
Fetch the value at the head of the queue.
peek(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Read (but don't consume) next char in stream.
peek(). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Fetch the first element of the list.
peek(). Method in class structure.SkewHeap
Fetch lowest valued (highest priority) item from queue.
peek(). Method in interface structure.Stack
Fetch a reference to the top element of the stack.
peek(). Method in class structure.StackArray
Get a reference to the top value in the stack.
peek(). Method in class structure.StackList
Get a reference to the top value in the stack.
peek(). Method in class structure.StackVector
Fetch a reference to the top element of the stack.
peek(). Method in class structure.VectorHeap
Fetch lowest valued (highest priority) item from queue.
pop(). Method in interface structure.Stack
Remove an element from the top of the stack.
pop(). Method in class structure.StackArray
Remove a value from the top of the stack.
pop(). Method in class structure.StackList
Remove a value from the top of the stack.
pop(). Method in class structure.StackVector
Remove an element from the top of the stack.
post(boolean, String). Static method in class structure.Assert
Test a postcondition.
postorderElements(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Returns post-order iterator.
postorderElements(). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Return an iterator to traverse the elements of subtree in post-order.
pre(boolean, String). Static method in class structure.Assert
Test a precondition.
preorderElements(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Returns pre-order iterator.
preorderElements(). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Return an iterator to traverse nodes of subtree in-order.
previous(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedListElement
Get a reference to the previous element of the list.
PriorityVector(). Constructor for class structure.PriorityVector
Construct an empty priority queue.
push(Object). Method in interface structure.Stack
Add an element to top of stack.
push(Object). Method in class structure.StackArray
Value is added to the top of the stack.
push(Object). Method in class structure.StackList
Value is added to the top of the stack.
push(Object). Method in class structure.StackVector
Add an element to top of stack.
pushbackChar(char). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Return character to input stream for reading at later time.
put(Object, Object). Method in class structure.ChainedHashtable
Place a key-value pair within the table.
put(Object, Object). Method in interface structure.Dictionary
Enter a key-value pair into the dictionary.
put(Object, Object). Method in class structure.Hashtable
Place a key-value pair within the table.
put(Object, Object). Method in class structure.Table
Enter a key-value pair into the table.


QueueArray(int). Constructor for class structure.QueueArray
Construct a queue holding at most size elements.
QueueList(). Constructor for class structure.QueueList
Construct a new queue with no data.
QueueVector(). Constructor for class structure.QueueVector
Construct an empty queue.
QueueVector(int). Constructor for class structure.QueueVector
Constructs an empty queue with an initial allocation of size.


read(). Method in class structure.Clock
Read the value on the stop watch.
readBoolean(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Read the next word "true" or "false" as a boolean.
readChar(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Read next character, whitespace or not.
readDouble(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Reads the next double value from input stream.
readFloat(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Read floating point value from input (Currently not working).
readFully(byte[]). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Read an array of bytes from input.
readFully(byte[], int, int). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Read input into byte array.
readInt(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Reads an integer from input stream.
readLine(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Read the remainder of line, including end-of-line mark.
readln(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Read characters up to and including the end-of-line mark.
readLong(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Read a (potentially long) input.
readShort(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Reads an integer from input stream.
ReadStream(). Constructor for class structure.ReadStream
Construct an empty ReadStream, obtaining info from
ReadStream(InputStream). Constructor for class structure.ReadStream
Construct a ReadStream based on pre-existing input stream.
readString(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Skip white space and read in the next non-whitespace word as a string.
readUTF(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Read unicode from input.
remove(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Remove value at cursor.
remove(). Method in interface structure.Linear
Remove a value from the structure.
remove(). Method in interface structure.PriorityQueue
Returns the minimum value from the queue.
remove(). Method in class structure.PriorityVector
Remove the smallest value of the structure.
remove(). Method in interface structure.Queue
Remove a value form the head of the queue.
remove(). Method in class structure.QueueArray
Remove a value from the head of the queue.
remove(). Method in class structure.QueueList
Remove a value from the head of the queue.
remove(). Method in class structure.QueueVector
Remove a value from the head of the queue.
remove(). Method in class structure.SkewHeap
Returns the minimum value from the queue.
remove(). Method in interface structure.Stack
Remove an element from the top of the stack.
remove(). Method in class structure.StackArray
Remove a value from the top of the stack.
remove(). Method in class structure.StackList
Remove a value from the top of the stack.
remove(). Method in class structure.StackVector
Remove an element from the top of the stack.
remove(). Method in class structure.VectorHeap
Returns the minimum value from the queue.
remove(char). Method in class structure.CharSet
Removes a character from set.
remove(int). Method in class structure.BitSet
Remove bit i from the bitset.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.BinarySearchTree
Remove an value "equals to" the indicated value.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.ChainedHashtable
Remove a key-value pair from the table.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.CircularList
Remove a value from a list.
remove(Object). Method in interface structure.Collection
Remove a value from the store.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Remove an element from a set.
remove(Object). Method in interface structure.Dictionary
Remove a key-value pair, based on key.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Remove a value from the list.
remove(Object). Method in interface structure.Graph
Remove a vertex from the graph.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.GraphList
Remove a vertex from the graph.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.GraphListDirected
Remove a vertex from the graph.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.GraphListUndirected
Remove a vertex from the graph.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Remove a vertex from the graph.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.Hashtable
Remove a key-value pair from the table.
remove(Object). Method in interface structure.List
Remove a value from the list.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.OrderedList
Remove a value from the ordered list.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.OrderedVector
Remove a comparable value from an ordered vector.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.SetList
Remove an element from the set.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Remove a value from the list.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.SplayTree
Remove a comparable value from the tree.
remove(Object). Method in class structure.Table
Remove a key-value pair, based on key.
removeAllElements(). Method in class structure.Vector
Remove all the elements of the vector.
removeColAt(int). Method in class structure.Matrix
Remove a column, whose index is c.
removeEdge(Object, Object). Method in interface structure.Graph
Remove possible edge between vertices labeled vLabel1 and vLabel2.
removeEdge(Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphList
Remove possible edge between vertices labeled vLabel1 and vLabel2.
removeEdge(Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphListDirected
Remove possible edge between vertices labeled vLabel1 and vLabel2.
removeEdge(Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphListUndirected
Remove possible edge between vertices labeled vLabel1 and vLabel2.
removeEdge(Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Remove possible edge between vertices labeled vLabel1 and vLabel2.
removeEdge(Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrixDirected
Remove possible edge between vertices labeled vLabel1 and vLabel2.
removeEdge(Object, Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrixUndirected
Remove possible edge between vertices labeled vLabel1 and vLabel2.
removeElement(Object). Method in class structure.Vector
Remove an element, by value, from vector.
removeElementAt(int). Method in class structure.Vector
Remove an element at a particular location.
removeFromHead(). Method in class structure.CircularList
Remove a value from the head of the list.
removeFromHead(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Remove a value from the head of the list.
removeFromHead(). Method in interface structure.List
Remove a value from the first element of the list.
removeFromHead(). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Remove a value from the first element of the list.
removeFromTail(). Method in class structure.CircularList
Remove a value from the tail of the list.
removeFromTail(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Remove a value from the tail of the list.
removeFromTail(). Method in interface structure.List
Remove the last value from the list.
removeFromTail(). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Remove the last value from the list.
removeRowAt(int). Method in class structure.Matrix
Remove the row whose index is r.
reset(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Sets cursor to root of tree.
reset(). Method in class structure.Clock
Resets the time on the clock to zero.
reset(). Method in class structure.Edge
Clear the visited flag associated with edge.
reset(). Method in interface structure.Graph
Clear visited flags of edges and vertices.
reset(). Method in class structure.GraphList
Clear visited flags of edges and vertices.
reset(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Clear visited flags of edges and vertices.
reset(). Method in interface structure.Iterator
Reset iterator to the beginning of the structure.
right(). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Get right subtree of current node.
root(BinaryTreeNode). Static method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Returns reference to root of tree containing n.
rotateLeft(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Perform a left rotation about cursor.
rotateRight(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Perform a right rotation about cursor.


setElementAt(Object, int). Method in class structure.Vector
Change the value stored at location index.
setElementAt(Object, int, int). Method in class structure.Matrix
Change the value at location (row, col)
0 <= row < height(), 0 <= col < width()
changes location (row,col) to value
setLabel(Object). Method in class structure.Edge
Sets the label associated with the edge.
setLeft(BinaryTreeNode). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Update the left subtree of this node.
SetList(). Constructor for class structure.SetList
Construct a new set list.
setNext(DoublyLinkedListElement). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedListElement
Set reference to the next element.
setNext(SinglyLinkedListElement). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedListElement
Update the next element.
setPrevious(DoublyLinkedListElement). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedListElement
Set the reference to the previous element.
setRight(BinaryTreeNode). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Update the right subtree of this node.
setSize(int). Method in class structure.Vector
Explicitly set the size of the array.
setValue(Object). Method in class structure.Association
Sets the value of the key-value pair.
setValue(Object). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Change value of the node referred to by cursor.
setValue(Object). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Set's value associated with this node.
setValue(Object). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedListElement
Set the value of the element.
setValue(Object). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedListElement
Set the value associated with this element.
SinglyLinkedList(). Constructor for class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Construct an empty list.
SinglyLinkedListElement(Object). Constructor for class structure.SinglyLinkedListElement
Constructs a singly linked list element not associated with any list.
SinglyLinkedListElement(Object, SinglyLinkedListElement). Constructor for class structure.SinglyLinkedListElement
Construct a singly linked list element.
size(). Method in class structure.BinarySearchTree
Determines the number of data values within the tree.
size(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
The number of nodes in the tree.
size(). Method in class structure.ChainedHashtable
Computes the number of elements stored within the hashtable.
size(). Method in class structure.CircularList
Determine the size of the list.
size(). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Returns the number of elements within the set.
size(). Method in interface structure.Dictionary
Determine the number of key-value pairs within the dictionary.
size(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Determine the number of elements in the list.
size(). Method in interface structure.Graph
Determine number of vertices within graph.
size(). Method in class structure.GraphList
Determine number of vertices within graph.
size(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Determine number of vertices within graph.
size(). Method in class structure.Hashtable
Return the number of key-value pairs within the table.
size(). Method in interface structure.List
Determine size of list.
size(). Method in class structure.OrderedList
Determine the number of elements in the list.
size(). Method in class structure.OrderedVector
Determine the number of elements within the ordered vector.
size(). Method in interface structure.PriorityQueue
Determine the size of the queue.
size(). Method in class structure.PriorityVector
Determine the size of the priority queue.
size(). Method in class structure.QueueArray
Determine the number of elements within the queue.
size(). Method in class structure.QueueList
Determine the number of elements within the queue.
size(). Method in class structure.QueueVector
Determine the number of elements within the queue.
size(). Method in class structure.SetList
Determine the number of elements in the set.
size(). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Determine the number of elements in the list.
size(). Method in class structure.SkewHeap
Determine the size of the queue.
size(). Method in class structure.StackArray
Determine the number of elements in the stack.
size(). Method in class structure.StackList
Determine the number of elements in the stack.
size(). Method in class structure.StackVector
Determine the number of elements in stack.
size(). Method in interface structure.Store
Return the number of elements within the store.
size(). Method in class structure.Table
Determine the number of key-value pairs within the table.
size(). Method in class structure.Vector
Determine the number of elements in the vector.
size(). Method in class structure.VectorHeap
Determine the size of the queue.
size(BinaryTreeNode). Static method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Returns the number of descendants of node n.
SkewHeap(). Constructor for class structure.SkewHeap
Constructs an empty priority queue.
skipWhite(). Method in class structure.ReadStream
Consume all the white-space characters until EOF or other data.
SplayTree(). Constructor for class structure.SplayTree
Construct an empty search tree.
StackArray(int). Constructor for class structure.StackArray
Construct a stack capable of holding at least size elements.
StackList(). Constructor for class structure.StackList
Construct an empty stack.
StackVector(). Constructor for class structure.StackVector
Construct an empty stack.
StackVector(int). Constructor for class structure.StackVector
Construct a stack with initial capacity Vector will grow if the stack fills vector.
start(). Method in class structure.Clock
Start the clock running.
stop(). Method in class structure.Clock
Stop the clock.
subset(BitSet). Method in class structure.BitSet
Returns true iff this set is a subset of the other.
subset(CharSet). Method in class structure.CharSet
Detects if this set within the other.
subset(Set). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Determine if this set is a subset of another.
subset(Set). Method in interface structure.Set
Determine if this set is a subset of other.
subset(Set). Method in class structure.SetList
Determine if this set is a subset of other.


Table(). Constructor for class structure.Table
Construct a new, empty table.
tailPeek(). Method in class structure.CircularList
Peek at the last element of the list.
tailPeek(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Get a copy of the last value found in the list.
tailPeek(). Method in interface structure.List
Fetch the last element of the list.
tailPeek(). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Fetch the last element of the list.
there(). Method in class structure.Edge
Returns the second vertex (or source if undirected).
toString(). Method in class structure.Association
Standard string representation of an association.
toString(). Method in class structure.BinarySearchTree
Returns a string representing tree.
toString(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Constructs string representation of tree.
toString(). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Returns a representation the subtree rooted at this node.
toString(). Method in class structure.BitSet
Constructs string representing set.
toString(). Method in class structure.ChainedHashtable
Generate a string representation of the chained hash table.
toString(). Method in class structure.CharSet
Compute String representation of charset.
toString(). Method in class structure.CircularList
Generate a string representation of the list.
toString(). Method in class structure.Clock
Generates string representation of clock.
toString(). Method in class structure.ComparableAssociation
Construct a string representation of the ComparableAssociation.
toString(). Method in class structure.ComparableEdge
Construct a string representation of edge.
toString(). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Generate a string representation of the set.
toString(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedList
Construct a string representation of the list.
toString(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedListElement
Construct a string representation of the element.
toString(). Method in class structure.Edge
Construct a string representation of edge.
toString(). Method in class structure.GraphListDirected
Construct a string representation of graph.
toString(). Method in class structure.GraphListUndirected
Construct a string representation of graph.
toString(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrixDirected
Construct a string representation of graph.
toString(). Method in class structure.GraphMatrixUndirected
Construct a string representation of graph.
toString(). Method in class structure.Hashtable
Generate a string representation of the hash table.
toString(). Method in class structure.Matrix
Construct a string representation of the matrix.
toString(). Method in class structure.OrderedList
Generate string representation of the ordered list.
toString(). Method in class structure.OrderedVector
Construct a string representation of an ordered vector.
toString(). Method in class structure.PriorityVector
Construct a string representation of the priority vector.
toString(). Method in class structure.QueueArray
Construct a string representation of the queue.
toString(). Method in class structure.QueueList
Construct a string representation of the queue.
toString(). Method in class structure.QueueVector
Construct a string representation of the queue.
toString(). Method in class structure.SetList
Construct a string representation of the set.
toString(). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedList
Construct a string representing the list.
toString(). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedListElement
Construct a string representation of element.
toString(). Method in class structure.SkewHeap
Construct a string representation of the heap.
toString(). Method in class structure.SplayTree
Construct a string that represents the splay tree.
toString(). Method in class structure.StackArray
Construct a string representation of the stack.
toString(). Method in class structure.StackList
Construct a string representation of the stack.
toString(). Method in class structure.StackVector
Construct a string representation of stack.
toString(). Method in class structure.Table
Construct a string representing value of table.
toString(). Method in class structure.UnionFind
Construct a string representation of the union-find universe.
toString(). Method in class structure.Vector
Determine a string representation for the vector.
toString(). Method in class structure.VectorHeap
Construct a string representation of the heap.
trimToSize(). Method in class structure.Vector
Trim the vector to exactly the correct size.


union(BitSet). Method in class structure.BitSet
Compute a new set that is the union of this set and other.
union(CharSet). Method in class structure.CharSet
Constructs a charset that is the union of this and other.
union(int, int). Method in class structure.UnionFind
Merge sets containing elements i and j.
union(Set). Method in class structure.ComparableSet
Compute the union of this set and another.
union(Set). Method in interface structure.Set
Compute the union of this set with other.
union(Set). Method in class structure.SetList
Compute the union of this set with other.
UnionFind(int). Constructor for class structure.UnionFind
Construct a union-find set with elementCount elements.


valid(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Checks validity of cursor.
value(). Method in class structure.Association
Fetch value from association.
value(). Method in class structure.BinaryTree
Return cursor's value.
value(). Method in class structure.BinaryTreeNode
Returns value associated with this node.
value(). Method in class structure.DoublyLinkedListElement
Get value stored within the element.
value(). Method in interface structure.Iterator
Return structure's current object reference.
value(). Method in class structure.SinglyLinkedListElement
Fetch the value associated with this element.
Vector(). Constructor for class structure.Vector
Construct an empty vector.
Vector(int). Constructor for class structure.Vector
Construct an empty vector capable of storing initial capacity values before the vector must be extended.
Vector(int, int). Constructor for class structure.Vector
Construct a vector with initial capacity, and growth characteristic.
Vector(int, int, Object). Constructor for class structure.Vector
Construct a vector with initial size, growth rate and default value.
VectorHeap(). Constructor for class structure.VectorHeap
Construct a new priority queue.
VectorHeap(Vector). Constructor for class structure.VectorHeap
Construct a new priority queue from an unordered vector

constructs a new priority queue from an unordered vector.
visit(). Method in class structure.Edge
Test and set visited flag on vertex.
visit(Object). Method in interface structure.Graph
Test and set visited flag of vertex.
visit(Object). Method in class structure.GraphList
Test and set visited flag of vertex.
visit(Object). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Test and set visited flag of vertex.
visitEdge(Edge). Method in interface structure.Graph
Test and set visited flag of edge.
visitEdge(Edge). Method in class structure.GraphList
Test and set visited flag of edge.
visitEdge(Edge). Method in class structure.GraphMatrix
Test and set visited flag of edge.


width(). Method in class structure.Matrix
Return the width of the matrix.





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