WCF WebService exercise  WCF-Valuta


In this exercise you create a web service that can offer functions related to currency.


The exercise is based on the following limited currency report.


Name ISO exchange rate
Amerika USD 524,0200
Canada CAD 492,2700
Euro EUR 745,9900
Norge NOK 90,3400
Storbritannien GBP 947,5300
Sverige SEK 78,2100




a)     Start by making a simple web service method that can convert a sum in Danish kroner to the euro.
Create a client program that tests your webservice.

b)     Program a webservice method that can based on an ISO code (parameter) return the exchange rate.
Create a client program that tests your webservice.


c)     Program a webservice method, that can return an array with curency objects, each having Name, ISO og Exchange rate (Array af DTO-objekter).
Create a client program that tests your webservice.


d)     Program a webservice method, that can calculate  an amount from one currency to another, giving the ISO from, the ISO to and the amount as arguments.
Create a client program that tests your webservice.

e)     Program a webservice method, that can calculate an amount from one currency to another, as indicated by ISO from and ISO to and amount.
The webservice must this time remember the currencies and the amount the client has been converted (within a session)
You must also develop a web service method can return an array with the Exchange rateer client has been converted together with the amount
Create a client program that tests your webservice.


f)     Program a webservice method, that can change a currency Exchange rate. (the changes must effect all clients - single/application)
Create a client program that tests your webservice.


g)    Program a webservice method, that can create a new currency object with values from client. (it must be accesibly from all clients - single/application)
Create a client program that tests your webservice.